Sunday, December 11, 2011


by M.G. Bueno

The Holiday season is here again, and it is a great time to celebrate the birth of the Son of God, who more than deserve this Christmas season to be observed for him, because Jesus Christ is truly the reason for the season.  Since Jesus has been my personal Lord and Saviour, Christmas is no longer just a time to think about who's going to give you presents, or who you are going to give presents to.  Now my heart do rejoice and celebrate my Saviour and my God Jesus Christ not only on Christmas but all the days of my life.

Why?  Because God has given to me his Son to die for me.  Then God has filled me with His Holy Spirit to have the power and the strength to live in this world without too much difficulty.  And then he has given to me my Family (my wife Maria Fe, and daughter Charity) who love me so much and I love them very much.  And He has given to me my parents and my siblings who never stop remembering us and loving us especially in this Christmas season.  And also friends who never stop loving you even when you didn't deserve to be loved.  All these things I'm thankful for.  They are to me a Gift from God the Almighty.

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